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2018.01.02.신년하례식 및 우수대학원생 수상

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Writer admin Date18-01-18 14:40 Views6,222 Comment0

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2018. 1월 2일에 고려대학교 화공생명공학과에서 신년하례식이 열려 교수님들과 대학원생들이 서로 새해인사를 나누었습니다.
그리고 이 날 박사과정 중인 정유라 학우가 우수대학원상을 수상하였습니다.

On Jan 2nd, 2018, all the professors and graduate students in Chemical and Biological Engineering department in Korea University gathered together to share New Year's greetings.
On this very day, Yura Jeong, a Ph. D. candidate in our research group, received an award for superior achievement as a graduate student.

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